Why Renewable Fuels

Renewable fuel originates from renewable sources, like animal and food waste, organic matter, and planted crops.  It provides a sustainable and efficient source of lower-carbon to carbon-negative options on a lifecycle basis that can be used to power commercial vehicles. Renewable fuels can provide an affordable, sustainable, and functionally equivalent option to traditional fuels while delivering a lower carbon intensity for vehicles.

As sustainability practices continue to gain momentum in the transportation sector, industries will increasingly focus on the use of renewable fuels – like renewable natural gas (RNG), hydrogen and electricity – to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, decarbonize transportation and mitigate climate change impacts.

Available Today

California has a statewide goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045. The U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded that the planet’s warming is at risk to reach or exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius within two decades, which would lead to irreversible damage to the planet and humanity with an array of natural disasters.

The benefits of sustainable transportation pathways are cost savings on fuel and vehicles, reduced carbon emissions, diminished air pollution, job creation through vehicle manufacturing and fuel production and enhanced energy security with less reliance on foreign sources of materials and fuels.

There is no “one size fits all” vehicle technology that will meet all of California’s emission reduction needs, but having a diverse set of operating requirements and a portfolio of readily available, affordable, low carbon, clean transportation solutions can provide immediate emissions reductions today and deep decarbonization to help California achieve carbon neutrality by 2045.