Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 1420 (Anna Caballero, D-Merced), the CRTA-supported measure to streamline permitting for renewable hydrogen production facilities.
SB 1420 recognizes the critical role hydrogen can plan in decarbonizing California’s industrial and transportation sectors by including renewable hydrogen production facilities, funded by sources like the Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES), for centralized permitting and expedited review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Renewable hydrogen production facilities is defined as those not derived from fossil fuel feedstock.
“SB 1420 is a crucial step for accelerating clean, renewable hydrogen projects.” said Nicole Rice, President of the California Renewable Transportation Alliance. “By cutting through the red tape of the permitting process, this bill will help California make significant strides towards its long-term climate goals.”
SB 1420 garnered support from more than four dozen organizations, including renewable fuel producers, vehicle manufacturers, academic institutions, business groups, and community organizations. It received overwhelming, and often unanimous, backing in both Houses of the California State Legislature.
CRTA collaborated closely with stakeholders to advance this bill forward to the Governor. We appreciate Senator Caballero’s leadership in guiding the measure through the legislative process and commend Governor Newsom for his supportive action.