Two measures supported by the California Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition (CNGVC) overwhelmingly passed the Assembly ahead of last Friday’s legislative deadline and are now in the Senate awaiting a hearing.
AB 2836 by Assembly Member Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella) will extend the sunset date for the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program for an additional 10 years. CNGVC supports this action because it will continue the successful legacy of the Carl Moyer Program in placing low-carbon clean trucks, like low NOx heavy-duty (HD) trucks, on our roads to increase near-term emission reductions and accelerate our progress towards a cleaner transportation future. This bill was approved by the Assembly on a 65 to zero vote.
AB 2058 by Assembly Member Patrick O’Donnell (D-Long Beach) will increase funding for the Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Program to $450 million annually and consolidate existing K-12 career technical education programs. The clean energy economy presents exciting future opportunities for economic advancement and stability, especially in disadvantaged and low-income communities where technical training programs are most needed. Effective delivery of workforce training is essential to ensuring this transition is just and equitable, leaving no one behind. CNGVC supports AB 2058 because it will allow students to continue to gain critical career and college readiness skills, just delivered in a more efficient manner. Consequently, this will help all students attain their college and career goals while supporting the state in building a strong and efficient workforce. The Assembly approved this bill 76 to zero.