Assembly Transportation Committee Approves AB 1012
AB 1012 will require CARB to include a lifecycle analysis into the consideration of future mobile source regulations.
AB 1012 will require CARB to include a lifecycle analysis into the consideration of future mobile source regulations.
SB 709 will severely restrict LCFS incentive programs targeted at reducing dairy methane.
AB 377 will further improve career technical education (CTE) delivery and program options in California.
AB 1012 will require CARB to include a lifecycle analysis into the consideration of future mobile source regulations.
CRTA President Nicole Rice delivered remarks during public comment.
The bill will extend provisions of the Carl Moyer Program to January 1, 2034. The Governor has until September 30th to sign or veto the bill.
Assembly Member Medina celebrates the advancements made by CARB while announcing changes to the status of his legislation.
The two measures were overwhelmingly approved by the State Assembly and are now headed to the State Senate for consideration.
The bill would have incentivized increased production and use of very low to carbon neutral transportation fuels.
AB 2797 (Petrie-Norris) and AB 2836 (E. Garcia) advance with overwhelming support early in the legislative process.
Listen to Matt Miyasato, Deputy Executive Officer for Science & Technology Advancement at the South Coast Air Quality Management District, explain the need for immediate action to address our severe air quality challenges.
The Committee will examine existing efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from on- and off-road mobile sources. The hearing is this Tuesday, February 15th, at 1:30 p.m.