CARB Outlines 2024 Priorities

As is customary during the first board meeting of the year, California Air Resources Board (CARB) staff provided the Board with an overview of the agency’s priorities for the year. Topics discussed included the following:

  • Implementing Advanced Clean Cars II, Advanced Clean Trucks and updating Cap & Trade later this year.
  • Launching the methane detection satellite program.
  • Increasing pollution reduction from off-road equipment, freight (like locomotives), and stationary sources (like buildings, building materials, and appliances).
  • Coordinating with government partners to reduce vehicle miles traveled through land use decisions and transportation strategies.
  • Coordinating more with local, federal, and international governments.
  • Leveraging federal programs and public-private partnerships, like the Alliance for Renewable Clean Energy Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES) that oversees California’s Hydrogen Hub.
  • Striving for equitable outreach and outcomes for communities.
  • Prioritizing equity and inclusion in CARB’s internal culture as well as in programs, regulations, operations, and community engagement.
  • Updating programs based on recently adopted legislation.

These high-level concepts were presented to the Board with more detail likely to come throughout the year. Board Member feedback was minimal but the reception was positive. You can review the presentation slides here and watch the recording that begins around 3:46.00.