The California State Senate Transportation Committee recently held an informational hearing to review the approaches currently being implemented to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the medium- and heavy-duty on-road vehicles segments. The need for clean air today was a big part of the conversation.
The California Air Resource Board, the state Energy Commission and others offered a strategy that focuses on the long-term, with many benefits beginning in the mid-2030’s when zero-emission trucks will eventually become a viable solution. However, CNGVC and other organization offered an emission reduction strategy with benefits that start TODAY.
Low NOx trucks reduce more than 90% of nitrogen oxide emissions, 100% of diesel particulate matter and greatly accelerate reductions in carbon. In fact, as of 3rd quarter 2021, the average carbon intensity of all the natural gas reported in California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) is negative 28.17 gCO2e/MJ. This means that California’s low NOx trucks are the ONLY carbon-negative transportation fuel option today and its use can allow the state to achieve carbon neutrality today.
The deployment of carbon-negative, renewable natural gas-powered heavy-duty trucks is the most cost-effective and immediate solution to achieve near-term emission reductions in criteria pollutants and improve public health. But, don’t just take our word for it. Listen to Matt Miyasato, Deputy Executive Officer for Science & Technology Advancement at the South Coast Air Quality Management District, explain the need for immediate action to address our severe air quality challenges.