Assembly Transportation Committee Approves AB 1012

CRTA’s sponsored bill was approved by the Assembly Transportation Committee. The votes was 12 to 0. The bill was supported by 16 organizations calling for greater transparency around the decisions being made to achieve California’s climate change goals.

AB 1012 (Quirk Silva) will require the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to perform a GHG lifecycle analysis (LCA) on the vehicle technology proposed in any future mobile source regulation.  The LCA would be part of the environmental analysis CARB is already required to perform for such rulemakings. 

At the request of the Committee, the bill author accepted amendments to clarify that CARB has the authority to do a more expansive comparative analysis when conducting an LCA and that the bill would be limited to on-road mobile source regulations.

The measure now moves to the Assembly Appropriations Committee for fiscal consideration.