As expected, the average carbon intensity (CI) value for California’s natural gas fuel supply remained negative in 2021 and became even more so.
Fourth quarter data now confirms that for the whole of 2021, all the renewable natural gas (RNG) dispensed in California as a transportation fuel was CARBON-NEGATIVE (on a lifecycle basis) based on data reported under the state’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) program. This is the first time for ANY transportation fuel in a full calendar year!
The data showed that the average carbon intensity of all the natural gas reported in the California LCFS was -33.36 gCO2e/MJ. This means that the use of this fuel displaced more carbon in 2021 than it released. And, since most of the natural gas used to power low NOx trucks is “renewable” – derived from organic waste that is continuously produced and naturally occurring as part of the decomposition process – low NOx trucks are a strong solution for California’s decarbonization goals.
Renewable natural gas vehicles operating in California provide the greatest greenhouse gas emission benefits compared to all other transportation fuels and should be a key component in the state’s strategy to combat climate change.
Download the Fact Sheet below from the California Natural Gas Vehicle Partnership to learn more.